Customer support

We conduct trainings and consultations for the customer's employees, provide program updates, and collect feedback as the program is being used.

A basic support package is provided for the first year of use of the program.

Support rates

Training and consultations

The training process consists of 6 Skype sessions that follow a plan adapted to the needs of the customer's company. If necessary, we can conduct additional Skype sessions for an additional fee.

After the program has been deployed and is being used, customer support will continue to provide the customer with consultations and answer questions.



During the course of the year we release 6–8 updates based on the feedback that we receive from all of our customers.

We describe all of the changes for each update and revise the user documentation accordingly. We also conduct training webinars, where we describe the new features of the update in detail.


Improvements and corrections

We collect all of the needs of our customers and study them. If possible, we propose a solution based on the program's current functionality. Otherwise, we will analyze how much a solution to this problem is needed by our other customers and, on the basis of this, we will make a decision on whether we need to add these proposed improvements to our development plan.

If we detect any critical errors, then customer support will help to localize and quickly fix them.

Find out how Forecast NOW!
can help your company grow.

Curious to know how we can help your company? Just fill in the contact form and one of our managers will get in touch with you shortly to discuss your needs and challenges and how effective a solution ForecastNOW can be for you!

We will leverage your sales data to run a demo model to give you insight to how much more profitable your business could be with Forecast NOW!

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