How much does Forecast NOW! cost?

Pre-project study


up to 10 000 products

5 stocks

5 users

in month


When purchasing a 3-month subscription


up to 25 000 products

10 stocks

10 users

1 DC

in month


When purchasing a 3-month subscription


more than 25 000 products

30 stocks

10 users

3 DC

in month


When purchasing a 3-month subscription

All Version Features

All Functions


System Versions
Key Features
Short-Term Demand Forecasting
Strategic Demand and Inventory Forecasting
Optimize inventory levels
Define optimal target service levels using ABC-XYZ stratification
Analyze optimal service level based on risk of short-stocks, time value of money, carrying costs and shelf lives
Strategic purchase and inventory planning for 3-12 months out, including analysis of receipt, transport, and budget constraints.
Synchronize orders with user-defined sales plans.
Calculate supplier orders for branches or points of sale
Automated, hands-off order generation
Depot/warehouse ordering based on supply chain and logistics structure
Efficient stock balancing between branches or stores
Redistribute overstock from branches to distribution centers
Balance distribution center stocks between branches and stores
Order logging giving users the ability to track change history and monitor vendor order fulfillment
Parameters included:
Demand type
Intermittent and variable demands
Automatic or manual sales growth/slowdown analysis
Automatic seasonal pattern analysis by item or group
Rebound in demand during supplier or warehouse stock-outs
Rebound in demand during predictable periods of low demand
Filter out anomalies (peaks) in sales
Adjust for upcoming sales and promotions
Filter demand data from past sales and promotions
Promotion insights at the client level
Analysis of sales and stock levels for reference items
New product introductions
Shelf life
Business schedule events
Purchase orders and goods in transit
Storage areas and capacity
Lead time
Supplier order/delivery schedules
Supplier minimums and financial constraints
Weight/volume/pallet number-based shipping constraints
Exact dates for receipt of upcoming orders
Depot/warehouse ordering factoring in branch and store stock levels, delivery times and costs
Packaging and batch minimums
Specialized Functions
Consolidate orders by supplier
Use various supply chains for different items
Select optimal supplier based on payment times, price differences, lead time and deliver costs, minimum order and other factors
Set optimal reordering schedule
Monitor goods on the shelf and cross-picking
Order Quantity Formulas
Pre-Set schedules
By reorder point in days
Manual min/max
Automatic EOQ profit maximization
Simulation modeling
OLAP cubes
Sales, stock and price trend analysis
3D ABC-XYZ analysis
ABC-XYZ analysis of historical data and future periods
Stock management KPI analysis
Inventory turnover and service level trend analysis
Surplus stock analysis
Assortment analysis (surplus, retired, new, etc)
Category management
Analysis of low demand
Forecast lost revenues from product spoilage
Forecast short-deliveries
Forecast impact of marketing promotions
Analyze promotion effectiveness
Configure user and group roles
User logging and monitoring
DBMS Version
Automatic export of reports and insights from accounting system
Verification of input data
Check Forecast NOW! data against accounting system data

All updates and basic support are free during the first year!

A total of 6–8 updates are released per year. Usually these updates consist of new features, improvements to algorithms, and program optimizations.
When switching to a new version of the program, we will tell how you can increase efficiency using new features. We can also help if you have questions or encounter any problems with updates. 
Three levels of support
Basic25% of the license cost
Extended45% of the license cost
Maximum60% of the license cost
You can submit a support ticket request (via bug tracker, e-mail ticket) 24/7.
Ticket response time
16 hours
8 hours
4 hours
Time needed to fix critical issues
5 days
2 days
12 hours

Favorable licensing terms

Competitive licenses

The system is licensed for use by a fixed number of users who are permitted to work on one server at the same time. Beyond this, the number of workstations is not limited.


As your business grows, you may purchase and add an additional warehouse, retail store or user license.

Protected price list

Additional licenses are purchased at the price that is established at the time of the conclusion of the corporate agreement.

Upgrading the current version of the software

If you need functionality that is not available in your current version of the system, you can upgrade while offsetting against your existing licenses.

The price information that is displayed on our website is for informational purposes only. The displayed prices are approximate and may differ from actual retail prices.

This price list does not constitute a purchase agreement.

Find out how Forecast NOW!
can help your company grow.

Curious to know how we can help your company? Just fill in the contact form and one of our managers will get in touch with you shortly to discuss your needs and challenges and how effective a solution ForecastNOW can be for you!

We will leverage your sales data to run a demo model to give you insight to how much more profitable your business could be with Forecast NOW!

By leaving an application, you consent to the privacy policy

How is the price determined?

The total cost of the program is determined after conducting a preliminary study that is based on requested data that you provide us.

The calculated price is based on:

  • The selected version of the program and the required addons
  • Supply chain complexity and number of warehouses and products
  • The number of employees who must be trained

When determining the cost, we try to adhere to a customer payback period of 3–6 months.