About the company

We are the Company with a Single-Product Focus

Over the last 10 years, we have tested all of our existing algorithms, which range from neural networks and genetic algorithms to probabilistic models, on real data.

Our single-product specialization means we have an in-depth and unbeatable understanding of stock management and a laser-focused mission to provide the best solution on the market.

With its own R&D department engaged in research and keeping up with publications in stock management advances, our company is able to test out all of the newest and most cutting-edge developments and models, and then use the best of the best in Forecast NOW!

Our customers include large national chains, regional companies, distribution companies and manufacturers

Find out how Forecast NOW!
can help your company grow.

Curious to know how we can help your company? Just fill in the contact form and one of our managers will get in touch with you shortly to discuss your needs and challenges and how effective a solution ForecastNOW can be for you!

We will leverage your sales data to run a demo model to give you insight to how much more profitable your business could be with Forecast NOW!

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